Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Help Prevent Varicose Veins
Over 40 million people in America today are suffering from some form of varicose veins. These dilated and bulged varicose veins which appear swollen with a bluish-purple or red colour are not just unpleasant to look at; they are painful, itchy and could lead to more serious issues. As this problem can affect any individual, it is best to take adequate precautions and prevent their development. The good news is that there are some simple lifestyles changes which when adopted can keep the varicose veins under control and also reduce the risk of getting additional veins. The following lifestyle changes are recommended by doctors all-round the world.
1. Diet
Food habits play a major role in keeping the veins strong, elastic and in good health. A high-fibre diet can help to maintain a healthy weight and prevent varicose veins. It is important to avoid high calorie, deep-fried foods, processed foods like white rice, sugar as these foods cause more stress on the circulatory system and have a deteriorative effect on the veins. One can eat brown rice, whole wheat and fresh fruits and vegetables instead to improve blood flow and ensure good vein health.
A study by the University Of Maryland Medical Centre has proved that foods rich in rutin, a flavonoid that helps lower cholesterol, blood pressure and prevents blood clots, can help to combat varicose veins. Apples, apricot, grapes, blackberries are rutin rich foods that are found to be effective in relieving the swelling and pain caused by varicose veins.
2. Wearing Loose Fitting Clothes
With varicose veins, the clothes a person wears can have a direct bearing on the severity of the symptoms Wearing tight-fitting clothes can restrict blood flow, worsening the symptoms of varicose veins leading to greater pain. Loose-fitting clothes are thus an ideal attire to have good vein health
3. Elevating the Legs
Today’s modern world jobs involve long hours of sitting or standing causing the blood to pool in the veins of the legs leading to varicose veins appearing in the long run. To avoid this one should stretch and move around at regular intervals throughout the day. This will decrease venous pressure and improve blood circulation.
One of the best at-home treatments for varicose veins is elevating the legs on a regular basis. Doing so takes off the pressure from the leg veins and causes the blood to flow out of the leg veins into the rest of the body.
4. Exercise
Obesity is one of the common risk factors for developing varicose veins. Consider this: Moderately overweight women are 50% more likely to develop varicose veins than women with normal weight. So exercise should be part of daily routine as being physically active can help to maintain healthy body weight and even lose weight. This will take the pressure off the legs and veins and encourage healthy blood circulation. Low impact exercises like walking and swimming can improve calf muscle action and prevent blood from pooling in the legs.
In people already with varicose veins, regular exercise helps to ease the symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening.
5. Compression Stockings
Doctors generally prescribe compression stockings to relieve the symptoms and stop the progression of varicose veins. These stockings are specially made, stretchy socks that gently squeeze the leg. The pressures that these stockings put on the legs prevent the blood from pooling and improve circulation.
These lifestyle changes can ease the symptoms of having varicose veins and reduce the risk of getting additional veins.